Tired of homogenized boring journalism? Yeah, me too - which is why I started writing all these blogs. Deep thinking of the news and how it affects our lives along with lots of humor posts and much more from my 24 blogs. A free to read online newspaper from Independent journalist blogger Denny Lyon. Sit back, relax, get informed, cook a little and laugh a lot.
Note to content scraping sites and article directories: All posts are copyrighted on all the blogs and not free for use without permission and/or compensation.
Choices... choices... choices!

All Denny Lyon Blogs
- Dennys World News - updates daily on monthly posts collecting US and world news links focused upon global security
- A Truth Journal - news opinion about US and world politics
- Dennys Global Politics - US and world politics, presidential speeches, press releases
- Dennys Funny Quotes - most popular humor blog suitable for general audiences
- The Social Poets - flagship blog that spun off all the other niche blogs, Social Issue Poet (SIP)
- Poems From A Spiritual Heart - general spiritual thoughts, life philosophy paired with photography, exploring spiritual path
- A Christmas Post - where you can enjoy Christmas all year long, collection of my best Christmas posts on music, funny stories, poems and more
- Beautiful Illustrated Quotations - inspirational quotes, counsel, paired with photography
- Best Spiritual Posts - place to collect my best posts on spiritual counsel, spiritual music, connect to other sites offering food for thought
- Warriors Pearl Foundation - started up to help victims of military rape and PTSD with Denny Lyon Gifts @ Cafe Press to raise funds for charities helping vets
- Visual Insights - my photography, flickr friends' photography arranged into themed posts
- The Healing Waters - health posts, PTSD
- The Soul Calendar - witty writing on mostly astronomy, other sciences
- Comfort Food From Louisiana - featuring seafood, collection of great Louisiana food, some chef recipes too
- Romancing The Chocolate - great chocolate recipes, chef recipes, funny quotes about chocolate
- Dennys Food And Recipes - general food blog featuring chef recipes and other interesting ones I find while researching
- Unusual 2 Tasty - crazy but good recipes to expand your idea of food
- Dennys Art Sanctuary - some of my own work, collection of desktop themes by the month
- Dennys World Of Quotes - a growing place for all the quotes employed over the years
- Ouch Outrageous Obnoxious And Odd - less general audience humor
- Dennys People Watching - interesting people in the news
- Dennys Blog Feeds - before the web got easier, express links to all blogs and posts
- Dennys Guest Bloggers - links to all my blogs, when time if found: links to other good writes
Friday, April 1, 2011
Funny Video: April Fools Day From The Onion, Apple Friend Bar
From Denny: The Onion is like one long running April Fools' Day prank every day, full of laughs. Well, they didn't miss a beat by beating up on the geeks and tech folks who can get a wee bit dull in their passionate conversation discussing technology. But hey, don't worry about the socially challenged among us: there are some real solutions to make everyone happy!
New Apple Friend Bar Gives Customers Someone To Talk At About Mac Products
Tech Trends' Jeff Tate explains the new service that pairs insufferable Apple customers with "friends" that will listen to them rattle on for hours.
New Apple Friend Bar Gives Customers Someone To Talk At About Mac Products
For more of the main post check it out:
12 Best of The Web Funny April Fools Day: Pranked, Spoofed and Trashed
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*** Check out Holiday Recipes From Dennys Food and Recipes
Dennys Global Politics
The Social Poets - news, politics, political cartoon humor
The Soul Calendar - science, astronomy, psychology
Visual Insights - photos, art, music
Dennys Art Sanctuary
Beautiful Illustrated Quotations - spiritual quotes, philosophy
Best Spiritual Posts - my own best as well as links to other spiritual posts from all viewpoints
Poems From A Spiritual Heart - poetry
The Healing Waters - health news
Dennys People Watching - people in the news
Dennys Food and Recipes
Romancing The Chocolate - chocolate recipes and more food
Unusual 2 Tasty - different twists on favorite foods and international
Comfort Food From Louisiana - Cajun, seafood and more comfort food goodies
Dennys Funny Quotes - humor
Ouch Outrageous Obnoxious And Odd - more crazy humor
Dennys Blog Feeds - see what's posting at all Denny's blogs at a glance
Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts Food - an online newspaper
Labels: news, US, politics, funny