The Social Poets: News Corp Scandal, Heads Roll, 2 CEOs Resign: Dow Jones, News Corp: "From Denny: The bigger they are they harder they fall. First, it's the News Of The World tabloid newspaper that abruptly closes down. Then CEO of News Corp International, Rebekah Brooks, resigns today. The pressure was on from the Prime Minister - with the help of two investigations on both sides of the Atlantic.
Now, the latest development is that the CEO of the Dow Jones, Les Hinton, resigned. Dow Jones is also owned by Rupert Murdoch. Hinton was Chairman of News International at the time of the alleged phone hacking found out in the UK. News International is News Corp.'s British newspaper unit. Hinton was there for 12 years before moving over to head up Dow Jones.
There isn't much that Rupert Murdoch does not own. The list is practically endless. It's no wonder few people or politicians dared to oppose him on anything. But some things, well, not even a guy this influential can control or win."