Happy Halloween!
From Denny: The weekend is a good time to catch up on political news and opinion. Here's some of what was covered this week. I developed this political blog just for international political junkies like myself and not clutter up this blog too much. Most people come to The Social Poets to read a bit of poetry and laugh at witty quotes and catch up on some cartoons or lighter news. Take a look and see if there is anything you missed!
I'm still working on fine tuning the political blog as I'd like to cover more international news, opinion and analysis. There's plenty of opinion "out there" but too much is garbage thinking or garbage writing so I'm still looking around for responsible thinkers and writers. There is a lot of hype to wade through to find the jewels. :) If you know of some quality sites to feature, please pass it along. (I'd be eternally grateful!)
And, again, thank you for your continued support, much appreciated! It's fun to write on a variety of subjects for you!
Video: Hillary Clinton Verbally Scours Pakistani Govt, Nukes at Stake if Pakistan Loses Control
Video: Prez Obama Takes Away Big Business 25 Year Wallet Candy
Video: American Soldier a Global Humanitarian Even in Death Thru Global Water Projects
Video: Iran Opens Up Nuke Site
Video: What is the State of the American Economy?
Video: Wealthcare for Billionaires Farce Musical Interrupts Insurance Industry Conference
22 Interesting Varied Blog Posts, 23 Oct 2009
**** And don't forget to turn your clocks back tonite for daylight savings time! All together now: who thinks this crazy practice should be abolished? (especially when it was developed just to benefit Big Business)