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Thursday, November 6, 2014

A Truth Journal: GOP Stealing Elections Again As Trial Balloon For Taking Back The White House In 2016?

President Barack Obama pauses during a a news conference in the East Room of the White House in Washington, November 5, 2014. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque
Stiff upper Lip For President Obama after 2014 Election Losses - REUTERS/LARRY DOWNING

A Truth Journal: GOP Stealing Elections Again As Trial Balloon For Taking Back The White House In 2016?: From Denny:  Wake up, you clueless Democrats; you just got snookered again by the Republicans stealing elections out from under your noses.  For the past two weeks the word here in the South has been from my Republican friends of how they "know for sure" they are going to win big and take back the Senate.  When I asked why they were so confident, they winked, grinned wide and said slyly, "Well, you know the fix is in nationally."

Of course, it didn't surprise me at all.  I've been suspecting it for some time. Republican greed is so ridiculously out of control.  All you had to do was observe some of their behaviors to know what they were up to.   I was just waiting patiently to see if they were actually stupid enough to carry it out.  The answer for Election Night 2014 was a resounding "Yes! We Can!"

Did you check out Sen. Roberts (R-Kansas) desperately dialing for dollars from K Street lobbyists to the tune of $100,000 per call to save his campaign?  Well, today it's K Street lobbyists who are calling Sen. Roberts and demanding all the legislation they want passed to make good for all that money they invested.  Sen. Roberts is not the only Republican who will have to pay up to their lobbyist sponsors.

For months all the polling has shown many a race to be neck and neck and "too close to call" like the Kansas Senate race.  Then, all of a sudden, there is "a stunning upset" in many a race on election night where the races were "decided" by 10 to 15 points?  Doesn't anyone in the Democrat Party have the BS detector going off in their heads yet?  You should. 

You have a slew of hated Republicans all across the country that their own states can't tolerate and yet they get re-elected by wide margins?  Come on, seriously? ...

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