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Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food

Choices... choices... choices!

Choices... choices... choices!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Posts Roundup This Week at Dennys Blogs 25 Apr 2010

From Denny: Reading is such a pleasure because we can learn new information or take a mental trip into someone else's world to see what they discover. These days I seem to be on the writing end rather than the reading end. Maybe that's what happens after you spend so much time reading: you start writing! :)

I love to poke around and see what I find and then share it on my blogs. Here are some of the latest posts and also many of the most popular ones from my many eclectic interests, enjoy! And hey! - if you cook anything wonderful from these recipe posts, send a sample dish my way - and let me know how you have altered the recipes to your tastes. We love trying new foods at our house!

The Social Poets:

Whats Happening in America This Week - Political Cartoons 24 Apr 2010

Prez Clinton Versus Violent Wingnuts and Blowhard Limbaugh

Hey, Tea Party, Give Up Your Socialism Social Security Checks - Roundup of Late Night Comedy 19 Apr 2010

Pollen Storms poem - Libations Friday 9 April 2010

Top 15 Bestsellers of What America is Reading: 15 Apr 2010

The Smallest Earth Day Poem

Release Your Dreams & Spring into Life - poem

Funny Allergy Quotes - Cheeky Quote Day 7 Apr 2010

Funny Tax Quotes - Cheeky Quote Day 14 Apr 2010

Posts Roundup This Week at Dennys Blogs - 18 Apr 2010

Dennys Global Politics:

Greedy Opportunistic Wall Street: Political Cartoons, Opinion Post

Icelands 2nd Volcano, Haiti Food Stops, Wayward Nukes Seized, Freaky Unschooling, Earth Day - News Headlines 21 Apr 2010

Prez Clinton Versus Violent Wingnuts and Blowhard Limbaugh

Poison Politics Meet Domestic Terrorists, Volcano Axes Economies, Wall Street War, Octupus Thief - News Headlines 20 Apr 2010

Prez Clinton Interviews, Slamming Wall Street, Tea Party Spat With Fox, Volcano Effect - News Headlines 19 Apr 2010

Beautiful Quotes:

How Is Your Relationship With Your Inspiration Muse?

What Spiritual Tests Develop Good Character And Our Talents? - with over 12,700 views the first day that sure was a happy surprise. Thank You!

Your Dreams: 5 Common Characteristics

Does Your Life Feel Like a Disaster?

3 Quotes About Facing Tough Times

Uplifting Soul Quote: What is Your Power in the World?

Spiritual Energy: Can Simple Words Add to Our Quality of Life?

Humor Blogs:

Greedy Opportunistic Wall Street: Political Cartoons, Opinion Post

Ridiculous Outrageous Extra Airline Fees: Political Cartoons

Political Cartoons: Iceland Volcano Wrecks World Economy

College Grads Chances of Finding Jobs: Political Cartoons

Funny Earth Day Cartoons

Take the Test: Whats Your Sex IQ?

Crazy Limbaugh Blames Iceland Volcano on Obama

Outrageous Tea Party Tax Signs and the Perverted Fools That Carry Them

Food Blogs:

Cooking 4 Men, Teaching Men to Cook 2

Gorgeous Whiskey Chocolate Brownies

2 Crowd Pleasing Easy Casseroles: Mexican Lasagna, Turkey Tetrazzini

Awesome Cajun Barbecued Shrimp — New Orleans Style

Yummy Homemade Coconut Cream Pie

Awesome Sauces 4 Louisiana Seafood

New Orleans Recipes: Crawfish Etouffee, Chicken and Sausage Gumbo, Jambalaya, Sazerac Cocktail

Kid Friendly Recipes: Chocolate Quesadillas, Very Best Fudge

Spring Into Grill Season: Mouthwatering Steaks

Chef Rocco Dispiritos Cheap Yet Healthy Comfort Food

Forget the Birds: Awesome Recipes 4 Stale Bread

Flourless Passover Chocolate Cake

Kid Chefs Offer Tasty Recipes 4 Sandwiches Adults Will Like

The Soul Calendar - science:

Political Cartoons: Iceland Volcano Wrecks World Economy

Icelands Volcanic Ash: Hurting Us And Our Planet?

What Do All the Recent Global Earthquakes Mean?

Come to Iceland: Experience Living With a Volcano in Your Back Yard

Moon Water: Order Up Your Cocktail Today

New Astronomy Photos: Cosmic Rosebud, Winds of Change Black Hole, Orion Nebula

Visual Insights - photos:

Happy Birthday to Our Humanitarian Friend Peter

Dennys Photo Gallery: How to Know Its Spring

Funny Odd Couples: Cats and Their Weirdo Friends

Dennys Photo Gallery: Spectacular Sunrises

Dennys Photo Gallery: Beautiful Blues in Our World

Photography, Beautiful Metaphor for Life: 17 Boats

Only White Theme: 26 Photos

Photo History: 1st Lady Gowns, Michelle Obama Donates Hers

*** THANKS for visiting, feel welcome to drop a comment or opinion, enjoy bookmarking this post on your favorite social site, a big shout out to awesome current subscribers – and if you are new to this blog, please subscribe in a reader or by email updates!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Posts Roundup This Week at Dennys Blogs - 18 Apr 2010

From Denny: This Spring weather and the new warm breezes have me outside gardening. Read that as digging up weeds by the armful. :)

Have you ever noticed that the weeds never die during the winter? They always pop back up in early Spring when they know you will find it too cold to go out there and pull them out of the ground.

It's like weeds have some national coalition where they plot and scheme their special strategy each Spring just to get ahead of the gardener. They always grow at triple the rate of your regular shrubs, trees and plants.

Their exuberance is amusing - until it comes time to remove the pesky interlopers from the flower beds. Come to think of it, weeds are a lot like political parties - always a nuisance, always doing something somewhere they should not be doing it and laughing at you the entire time.

I did manage to find some time to write this week. Included here are also some of the previous week that proved to be quite popular that maybe you didn't get a chance to check out.

The new photo post of stellar Spring photos took four hours to research and another two hours to upload and link for the post. Photo posts remind me of a good meal: it can take an hour or more to make and only twenty minutes to devour. :)

The Social Poets:

Whats Happening in America This Week - Political Cartoons 17 Apr 2010

Pollen Storms poem - Libations Friday 9 April 2010 - I just got around to posting last week's poem this week. To keep your sense of humor during the pollen onslaught this season, read on... :)

Top 15 Bestsellers of What America is Reading: 15 Apr 2010

Funny Tax Quotes - Cheeky Quote Day 14 Apr 2010 - Laugh at funny tax quotes and tax cartoons, find out about the Fair Tax idea versus how we collect our taxes now and look at a news clip that breaks down how our tax dollars are used by the federal government.

* Rich bachelors should be heavily taxed. It is not fair that some men should be happier than others. - Oscar Wilde

Roundup of Late Night Comedy 13 Apr 2010

Funny Tax Man Cartoons

Weekly Posts Roundup at Dennys Blogs - 11 Apr 2010

The Social Poets listed: 100 Great Web Sites for Poetry Lovers - This was a happy find to be included on such a great list of company!

Dennys Global Politics:

Clinton Addresses Wingnuts, Wall Street Cries Foul, Radioactive Obama Nominee, Airplanes and Volcanos - News Headlines 16 Apr 2010

Icelands Volcano Stops Air Traffic, Poland Grieves, Utah Earthquake, Obama OKs Gay Hospital Visits, Healthy Chocolate - News Headlines 15 Apr 2010

Thinking Persons Funny Quotes 4 Tax Season

Both Obamas Charm the World, Vatican Squirms, Wall Street Howls Against Reform, Tibet Earthquake - News Headlines 14 Apr 2010

Worlds Nuke Security, Attacking Glenn Beck, Unsafe Meats, More Nuke Plants in America, Boy Scouts Penalized 4 Abuse - News Headlines 13 Apr 2010

Slapping Iran, Toyota Bobs and Weaves, NYC Terrorist Patrol, Pakistans Nukes in Peril, Supreme Court Choices - News Headlines 12 Apr 2010

Beautiful Illustrated Quotations and The Healing Waters:

What Spiritual Tests Develop Good Character And Our Talents? - with over 12,700 views the first day that sure was a happy surprise. Thank You!

Your Dreams: 5 Common Characteristics

Icelands Volcanic Ash: Hurting Us And Our Planet?

Take the Test: Whats Your Sex IQ?

Good News: American Soldier Cheers Others with Magic

How to Survive Allergy and Pollen Season

Humor Blogs:

Those Funny Racy RNC Republicans
More Funny Tax Cartoons to Keep You Laughing

Funny Odd Couples: Cats and Their Weirdo Friends

Outrageously Dumb Criminals: Robbers Called Bank For Money To Go

Funny Surfing Peruvian Alpaca

Food Blogs:

2 Crowd Pleasing Easy Casseroles: Mexican Lasagna, Turkey Tetrazzini

Cooking 4 Men, Teaching Men to Cook 2

Awesome Cajun Barbecued Shrimp — New Orleans Style

Yummy Homemade Coconut Cream Pie

Awesome Sauces 4 Louisiana Seafood

New Orleans Recipes: Crawfish Etouffee, Chicken and Sausage Gumbo, Jambalaya, Sazerac Cocktail

Kid Friendly Recipes: Chocolate Quesadillas, Very Best Fudge

Spring Into Grill Season: Mouthwatering Steaks

Chef Rocco Dispiritos Cheap Yet Healthy Comfort Food

Forget the Birds: Awesome Recipes 4 Stale Bread

Flourless Passover Chocolate Cake

Kid Chefs Offer Tasty Recipes 4 Sandwiches Adults Will Like

Visual Insights - photo blog:

Dennys Photo Gallery: How to Know Its Spring

Dennys Photo Gallery: Spectacular Sunrises

The Soul Calendar - science blog:

Air Jets and Volcanic Ash Dont Mix

Iceland Volcano Stops the World From Travel

Moon Water: Order Up Your Cocktail Today

What Do All the Recent Global Earthquakes Mean?

Come to Iceland: Experience Living With a Volcano in Your Back Yard

New Astronomy Photos: Cosmic Rosebud, Winds of Change Black Hole, Orion Nebula

*** Coffee Photo by marfis75 @ flickr

*** THANKS for visiting, feel welcome to drop a comment or opinion, enjoy bookmarking this post on your favorite social site, a big shout out to awesome current subscribers – and if you are new to this blog, please subscribe in a reader or by email updates!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Weekly Posts Roundup at Dennys Blogs - 11 Apr 2010

United (States) Parcel Service.
United (States) Parcel Service. (Photo credit: matt.hintsa)
From Denny: This has been a wild week. The starting weeks of pollen season and we all have been sneezing and experiencing watery eyes and sheer misery. I've come to the conclusion that the attack of the killer plants is all about putting our bodies on overload so we will start dumping winter's toxins. Spring is the time of year when our livers go through detox - and do it for free! The Big However is that it can be inconvenient scheduling to say the least. When the liver starts detoxing you get sluggish, lethargic and sleepy, not exactly productive. See? Nothing is wrong with you after all; it's just Nature's regular Spring house cleaning. Tell that to your boss while you are dragging in to work or not as peppy as usual... :)

Seems like Blogger has had issues this week as well. It's been sheer hell trying to get anything published. The old editor will accept editing and copy and paste but won't publish. The new editor will not accept editing or copy and paste but hey! just push the publish button and it works! Totally crazy with all the toggling back and forth between Blogger dashboards...

But the good news is that after waiting over a year for a fix on the Google Connect for those of us with blogs that carry Google ads, we no longer experience disappearing followers. I always try to put these widgets on all my blogs so other bloggers can advertise their blogs too when they become followers. That's how many of my readers found me - by seeing me listed as a follower or visitor on someone else's blog. So, please be sure to join up on the various blogs to make sure you get seen - and I have plenty of fellow bloggers as company to keep me sassy! :)

Oh, and if you are a fellow blogger, make sure you count your blog stats with your feed counts. Feedburner does a stellar job of counting your views, clicks and visits to your blogs. These views may not be physical visitors to your blog as they are viewing in a reader - so won't get counted by your blog counters. I finally got around to adding in my feed counts to the totals and was pleasantly surprised and downright shocked at all the counts I had not known were always waiting to be noticed. This week alone over 105,000 folks showed up or viewed in a reader posts on all my blogs. Thank you for such a fabulous response, especially over at Delicious social site! You are amazing! Do try to pay a physical visit to the blogs as each one is created with a specific theme, color sense and emotional or spiritual feel to benefit the reader.

It's funny how when you start a blog - The Social Poets was my first - you never realize how things are going to morph and grow. When I branched off into other blogs to park different themed posts like spiritual quotes and my spiritual thoughts about them over at Beautiful Illustrated Quotations it has been astounding the response for what I figured would be a small niche market. Well, I sure was wrong about that assumption.

When I was having fun tripping through the Creative Commons area of Flickr and put up themed posts over at my photo blog, Visual Insights, again folks flocked to grin along with me! Who knew how much fun we all could have together? Serious or funny - readers are interested in good content. Sooner or later they will find you. So, if you are like I was 18 months ago, thrilled just to have 20 people a month show up at my first blog but wondering how anyone would find out about what my blog was offering, don't despair. Bookmark your posts and your readers will begin to find you through the search engines and social sites. It just takes time.

Here's a tax season grin since I just spent three hours doing my taxes:

The Social Poets:

Whats Happening in America, This Weeks Political Cartoons - 10 Apr 2010

Opinion: Obama Issues Kill Order 4 American Cleric

Funny Allergy Quotes - Cheeky Quote Day 7 Apr 2010

How to Survive Allergy and Pollen Season

Monday Roundup of Late Night Comedy - 5 Apr 2010

Dennys Global Politics:

Iran Pushing 4 Nukes, Reprocessing Spent Nuke Fuel, Palin Unpopular, Political Death Threats - News Headlines 9 Apr 2010

USAs New Weapon Global Strike, U.S.-Russia Nuke Deal, Who Does Not Pay Taxes in America, U.S. Kill Order 4 Cleric - News Headlines 8 Apr 2010
America Not Ready 4 Cyberattacks, Pelosi Death Threats, Iraq Violence, Kyrgyzstan Riots, Skinhead Leaves Hate Behind - News Headlines 7 Apr 2010

Obamas Nuke Policy, China Hacks India, Britain Votes, Net Neutrality, Guilt Study, News Headlines 6 Apr 2010

Breakdown of Who Are Tea Party Members, Bizarre Karzai, Obama Picks New Justice Soon, Immunity for Pope - News Headlines 5 Apr 2010

Beautiful Illustrated Quotations:

Poem: Legacy of Love

Your Dreams: 5 Common Characteristics

Still popular on BIQ: Does Your Life Feel Like a Disaster?

3 Quotes About Facing Tough Times

Uplifting Soul Quote: What is Your Power in the World?

Spiritual Energy: Can Simple Words Add to Our Quality of Life?

The Soul Calendar - science:

What Do All the Recent Global Earthquakes Mean?

Come to Iceland: Experience Living With a Volcano in Your Back Yard

Moon Water: Order Up Your Cocktail Today

New Astronomy Photos: Cosmic Rosebud, Winds of Change Black Hole, Orion Nebula

The Healing Waters:

How to Survive Allergy and Pollen Season

A Poem About Healing Ourselves

Unlocking Foods Healing Powers

Good News: Afghan Orphanage Female Director Honored

Beautiful Metaphor for Life: Boats

Food blogs:

Spring Into Grill Season: Mouthwatering Steaks

Chef Rocco Dispiritos Cheap Yet Healthy Comfort Food

Yummy Homemade Coconut Cream Pie

Play Fun With Your Food: Mini Frittata Crostinis, Mini Wonton Quiches

Awesome Sauces 4 Spring and Summer Seafood

Forget the Birds: Awesome Recipes 4 Stale Bread

Humor blogs:

Funny Surfing Peruvian Alpaca

Outrageously Dumb Criminals: Robbers Called Bank For Money To Go

The Funny Side of Allergy Season - Ahh, Choo!

Funny Comics Review The News - 26 Mar 2010

Visual Insights - photo blog:

Funny Odd Couples: Cats and Their Weirdo Friends

Dennys Photo Gallery: Spectacular Sunrises

*** THANKS for visiting, feel welcome to drop a comment or opinion, enjoy bookmarking this post on your favorite social site, a big shout out to awesome current subscribers – and if you are new to this blog, please subscribe in a reader or by email updates!
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Sunday, April 4, 2010

Weekly Posts Roundup at Dennys Blogs - 4 Apr 2010

From Denny: Happy Easter to All of You! Hope this is a beautiful day for you on so many levels...

Here are all those posts you haven't had time to read or bookmark from this week. I figure you are just as eclectic and curious about your world as I am about mine, judging by the large amounts of traffic all these blogs have been receiving lately. Thank you for coming by for a visit!

It does help that I've been figuring out these past few months how best to organize and market these posts so you can easily - and quickly - find what is of interest to you. I know I don't like to get bogged down paging through someone's blog when all they had to do was provide some links on the sidebar or in a related post.

Sure it takes more time as a blogger to do so but it's always worth the effort. People appreciate it. As a writer, a blogger or a creative person, you don't just create or write for yourself. You have an audience and it's a good attitude to care about their interests and convenience as well. Taking time for all these technical details does pull time away from writing - sometimes, my poetry suffers when I don't have enough "think and gestate" time and it gets delayed like it did this week as I was changing over 14 blogs into new templates.

But, on balance, creative people might want to keep in mind not to get too self-absorbed with the writing or artwork as you will lose your people skills. Without people skills no one will be that interested in your writing or artwork anyway. Many times I've been at a weekend outdoor art showing of local artists and was about to purchase a painting, fiberwork or pottery only to be completely turned off by the odious attitude of the artist. I walk away every time.

The diva attitude of "you will get nothing and like it" is a sorry way to travel through life. There is so much more available for us if only we keep our hearts open and loving toward others. Sure there are those who test our patience and erode our good attitude - just keep walking through that day until you meet someone of a better attitude who is trying to have good relationships.

That's what the Easter season, even the Easter bunny, really represents. This is a time for renewal inside and out, a time to refresh our tattered attitudes and start again with new hope for our lives. Welcome the sunshine into your life this Spring!

The Social Poets:

Unsexy, Unpopular and Unflattering Political Cartoons - 3 Apr 2010

Legacy of Love poem - Libations Friday 2 Apr 2010

Funny Easter Bunny Cartoons and April Fools Day Fun

Funny April Fools Day - Cheeky Quote Day 31 Apr 2010

Awesome Story of Giving That Healed a Town: A Circle of Hands

Health Care Quips and Tea Party Jabs, Roundup of Late Night Comedy - 29 Mar 2010

Dennys Global Politics:

Environmentalists Furious with Obama, CIA Clandestine Director, Famous White House Butler Dies, No Faith in Pope - New Headlines 3 Apr 2010

GOP Sex Scandals, Republicans in a Mess, Obama Foreign Policy and Popularity Polls, Psychic Faces Beheading - News Headlines 1 Apr 2010

American Oil Drilling, Besieged Pope, Studying Laughter, Birds DNA Give Clues to Our Speech - News Headlines 31 Mar 2010

Iran Scientist Defects to America, Obama Issues Sanctions - News Headlines 30 Mar 2010

Hate Groups On the Rampage, Big Banks Skirting the Law - Headlines 29 Mar 2010

From Beautiful Illustrated Quotations:

8 Easter Quotes and 3 Easter Poems

3 Quotes About Facing Tough Times

Uplifting Soul Quote: What is Your Power in the World?

Do You Treat Your Ideas Like Beautiful Magic?

From The Soul Calendar - science and astronomy:

New Astronomy Photos: Cosmic Rosebud, Winds of Change Black Hole, Orion Nebula

Mysterious 4,000 Year Old European Mummie Found in China

Now Peru Faces Water Wars From Climate Change

Come to Iceland: Experience Living With a Volcano in Your BackYard

Moon Water: Order Up Your Cocktail Today

The Food Blogs:

Play Fun With Your Food: Mini Frittata Crostinis, Mini Wonton Quiches

Forget the Birds: Awesome Recipes 4 Stale Bread

Flourless Passover Chocolate Cake

Awesome Sauces 4 Louisiana Seafood

Spring Into Grill Season: Mouthwatering Steaks

Chef Rocco Dispiritos Cheap Yet Healthy Comfort Food

Kid Chefs Offer Tasty Recipes 4 Sandwiches Adults Will Like

Spring Food: Chef Kellers Marinated Skirt Steak, Ice Cream Sandwiches

Louisiana Crawfish Etouffee From Lafittes Landing

From the Humor Blogs:

Funny Surfing Peruvian Alpaca 

Religious Sex Scandal Cartoons

Funny Marriage Quotes

Funny Easter Bunny Cartoons and April Fools Day Fun

Photo blog:

Dennys Photo Gallery: Spectacular Sunrises

*** THANKS for visiting, feel welcome to drop a comment or opinion, enjoy bookmarking this post on your favorite social site, a big shout out to awesome current subscribers – and if you are new to this blog, please subscribe in a reader or by email updates!
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